Our Story: Turning Lemons into Lemonade

In the heart of Douglas County, a group of local builders came together with a shared dream and vision for something truly extraordinary. In a region renowned for its luxury homes, these builders wanted to give back to the community that has supported them for years.

As the real estate market slowed, they saw an opportunity – a chance to turn lemons into lemonade. They realized that their exquisite luxury inventory, often hidden behind closed doors, could be used to benefit the community in a profound way. Thus, the idea for the Artisan Home Tour of Douglas County was born.

A Vision for Giving:

As the season of giving is nearly upon us, these local builders envisioned an event that would not only showcase the finest in home craftmanship and design but would serve as a source of charitable support. They believed that the community, like them, would relish the opportunity to experience the elegance and innovation behind these remarkable homes. More importantly, they wanted to channel the proceeds into a cause that would make a genuine impact on a local agency that supports those in need.

100% for Charity:

The Artisan Home Tour of Douglas County is a true labor of love. The cornerstone of this endeavor is the commitment to giving back. 100% of the ticket proceeds will be donated to the Help & Hope Center, a local nonprofit dedicated to providing vital support to people in Douglas and Elbert counties who are in serious economic need. It is a gesture of solidarity with the community, a testament to the belief that by working together, we can make a difference.

The Artisan Home Tour of Douglas County is not just about beautiful homes; it’s about a community coming together to create beauty with purpose. We invite you to join us on this extraordinary journey, where luxury and compassion coexist, turning a challenging real estate market into an opportunity to uplift those in need.